The sims 3 kinky world moodlets

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The Sim cannot clean objects (unless they have the Neat trait).In addition, the Mood score for Job performance and School performance is lower than usual. The player is not allowed to choose the Work Hard option at Work and School.In addition, it can cause the following effects: Making nectar in the basement also can cause this glitch. This occurs with the Well Rested Moodlet at +20 or lower using cheaper beds will cause this. The value of the mood will be -100.Ī Sim affected by this glitch Jimmy is in a Bad Mood when making nectar, but he has no negative moodlets.

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It is caused by the Well Rested Moodlet and the Nectar Machine. This glitch causes a Sim to be in a bad mood despite not having negative moodlets. Screenshot from The Sims 3 Outdoor Living. A Sim affected by this glitch Rebecca is in a Bad Mood but she has no negative moodlets.

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